Sutaiyo Industries

SKF 轴承和单元
深耕轴承专业长达一个多世纪,SKF 在高性能滚动轴承、滑动轴承、轴承单元和轴承座设计、开发和制造方面居于世界领先地位。我们的产品帮助无数行业的公司大幅延长设备生命周期、增加正常运行时间、减少维护,并降低总运营成本。
Lincoln lubrication solutions range from specialized lubricants to state-of-the-art lubrication systems. Integrated Lincoln lubrication solutions combine our expertise in bearings, seals and condition monitoring
Filtration System
Descase filtration products keep oil clean and dry. Prolong life of industrial equipment and preventing production downtime, improve performance and lubricant life.
Cleaning System
State of the art surface bio-cleaning system solutions with a special focus on sustainability and OSHE, without impairing efficiency.
With the right machine data - and the right tools to interpret it - you can optimize your maintenance programme for greater productivity and more effective asset lifecycle management.
Oil Condition Monitoring
Descase ensure equipment longevity by provides early failure prediction or prevention data. Which will allow for timely action to avoid a catastrophic equipment failure and ensure smooth operation.
Every bearing has a certain service life potential. Research has shown that, for various reasons, not every bearing achieves it.